Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shamrock Macaw

Family: Psittacidae
Scientific name: hybrid, (Cross between Ara macao and Ara militaris).

Shamrock Macaws are a very colorful hybrid Macaw. A Shamrock macaw is a cross between a Military and a Scarlet macaw. Otono is a full size Macaw and has learned to speak several phrases including: hello, hello love, goodbye, pretty bird, and "how are ya".

Care and feeding:
A roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a play pen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.

Distribution: These birds are not found in the wild.

Size - Weight:
A full sized macaw, they can get over 2 lbs. Otono weighs 1.75 lbs.

Social Behaviors:
They don't exist in the wild. In captivity they socialize and bond closely with one person but do well in a family situation also.

Because it is a hybrid it is generally not bred

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